Historical Description: Television
A small electronic consumer device installed to transmit social, political and cultural-related messages into a residential dwelling.
Many dwellings (homes) had 2 or even 3 television sets. A device could be switched on at any time and offered a level of mindless distraction to everyday presenting the viewer this distraction via sport, news and light entertainment programming.
While the television device served to distract it could also condition the minds of the viewer. For example, news and current event information would be filtered to drive a particular narrative. This narrative was given great credence - using what became known as the echo chamber - and was dismissive of any alternative views. Those who funded television soon realised that other program content (such as drama, panel shows and animation) could be used to incrementally shift culture, changing the moral and spiritual foundation of the family, with particular impact on younger minds and hearts.
From the 1960s through to 2030 most dwellings tended to use their television sets regularly, daily, for what seemed to be little to no cost.
The impact on culture however was to be profound.
The average person with “eyes glued to their sets” had become increasingly distracted from reality. From truth. Importing thousands of hours of controlled messaging into their homes - through the gateway of their minds - tainting their souls and deadening the spirit.
This ‘television society’ (as it was later to be called by social history commentators) had become much more easily controlled and manipulated.
The minds of individuals overtaken. The cultural mores and morals of a nation distorted. A corruption of values.
Too late the real price to individuals, to the average family, had been revealed.
The ubiquitous television would go down in socio/political history as the most effective mind-control device ever deployed. It has been credited as a critical tool in building mass formation, sandbagging a total control system and a valuable weapon used by the power-driven globalists.
What Sarah Kate Ellis of GLAAD doesn't pause to point out, when addressing the 'Davos Deletes' and stating "we are everywhere..." is that people identifying as LGBTQRSVP account for 5%-6% of the total population, whereas in last count the roles in storylines and scripts - on which they have "worked really closely with Hollywood" - is getting them results. For example in TV, where they now account for almost 12% of all primetime characters.
That is about double the representative "we are everywhere" number! [By the way, for animated shows for children, on TV, even higher]
But the assumption for this activists group is that every storyline - for every film and TV script - is defined and told through sexual identity.
REPORT: Where We Are on TV Report – 2021-2022
This year’s study found that of the 775 series regular characters scheduled to appear on scripted broadcast primetime programming for the 2021-2022 season, 92 characters (11.9 percent) are LGBTQ. This is an increase of 2.8 ...
Hey, hey, where the heck is the teleprompter?
What comes after ‘clap your hands’???
When you consider the allegations in the early part of this short talk - especially the one directed at Biden - it’s quite extraordinary.
Yes, he’s a politician working his turf but what he is calling out are the specific elements and actors of a premeditated control system.
“ ... who together were working to impose a bio-medical security state”
It is so abundantly clear: especially to anyone with even just a blip on their spiritual radar and a modest portion of discernment.
And yet in this country many still sleep while the TGA ignores the growing medical evidence, Butler and Kelly push boosters, the State Premiers grip hard to power and the Judas media keep peddling the narrative.
Where is Australia’s Florida and where is our DeSantis ?
For the past 18+ months we have been posting and alerting people via Telegram and on Locals, almost every day, as to what is happening in our land and around the globe.
It has been an intense season and while more are awakened, the collective sense is that this is clearly a spiritual contest: a more emboldened enemy is revealing itself across all spheres of culture.
That said, we don’t need daily drama overdoses or data points to overwhelm the brain.
It’s the 80/20 rule and the remnant (the 20%) need equipping to step-up and craft more pragmatic solutions to move forward in our communities.
With this in mind, and for a number of life and resource related reasons, this channel is taking a 1 month pause - a short sabbatical - in effect.
We appreciate your support and interest.
Please stay connected, this short review and planning is necessary (time to recalibrate).
We all know the battle continues and evil actions are increasingly celebrated.
Re-generation is much needed.
Keep your...
Something, it seems, is also going down in the USA this weekend - Sunday our time.
It could be related to Israel situation or more domestic.
Yes, it might be a false flag ...but there is back-channel talk (unverified) saying key US politicians are being advised to locate - with families - to undisclosed safe locations.